3.3.10: Generate Cross Section Table
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An entry in a cross section table consists of a row which contains:
"country": country of origin
“family”: name of the group to which the cross section belongs (see section 3.3.1)
“name”: name of the specific cross section (see section 3.3.1)
a “shape” field which defines the basic cross section type:
“I”: I-section
“[]”: hollow box section
“V”: trapezoid, filled section
“O”: circular tube
"S”: spring
“Sh”: shell
geometric properties which are used for drawing the cross section
area, moments of inertia, etc. that define the cross section's mechanical behavior. Can be independently defined from the cross section geometry
A “#” in the first column means that the corresponding row serves as a comment.
The “GenCSTable”-component takes a cross section (or a list of cross sections) as input and returns the equivalent table of data as a string. The physical units used for output are always metric. When plugged into a panel the information can be streamed to a file which then constitutes a valid cross section table. Karamba3D reads the data of cross section tables only once. So in order that changes in a table take effect, restart Grasshopper.
It is possible to save the table data in different formats via the component's context menu (right-click on the component icon to make it appear). The menu item "Save cross section table to file" leads to a "save"- dialog where the drop down list "Save as type" allows to select between bin-, dat- and csv-format. The binary format (.bin) is recommended for large tables since it loads fast. However bin-files are not readable in text editors.