3.5.3: Read Material Table from File
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Karamba3D comes with a table of predefined materials. The csv-file “Materialproperties.csv” resides in the Karamba3D installation-folder. By default the “ReadMatTable”-component takes this file and creates a list of materials from it. These are available at the output-plug “Material”. The data-base currently holds properties for:
coniferous timber
glulam timber
lightweight concrete
reinforcement steel
There exist different types of steel, concrete etc.. The generic term “concrete” for example will result in the selection of an everyday type of concrete - a C25/30 according to Eurocode 2. More specific descriptions may be given: Have a look at the data-base in order to get an overview. Material properties specified via table are assumed to be in SI units. They get automatically converted when used in the context of Imperial units.
Fig. shows examples of how to define isotropic materials via table. SI units are used irrespective of user settings. Automatic conversion ensures compatibility with Imperial units. In case of orthotropic materials, the item in column “D” needs to be set to something different from “iso”. The order of orthotropic material parameters which follow from column “E” onward correspond to that of the “Material Property”-component: , , ,,, ,,,,,,, , , , "S_Hypo" and “Color”. The extension .csv stands for “comma separated value”. The file can be opened with any text editor and contains the table entries separated by semicolons. It is preferable however to use OpenOffice or Excel (both can read and write csv-files): They render the data neatly formatted (see fig. Make sure to have a “.” and not a “,” set as your decimal separator. In some countries “.” is used to separate thousands which then needs to be adapted as well. The setting may be changed under Windows via “regional settings” in “system settings”. All lines in the table that start with “#” are comments. Feel free to define your own materials.
The file path to the materials data-base can be changed in two ways: first right-click on the component and hit “Select file path to material definitions” in the context menu that pops up. Second plug a panel with a file path into “Path”. Relative paths are relative to the directory where your definition lies.