3.4.2: Beam-Joint Agent đź”·
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The “Beam-Joint Agent”-component creates hinges on beams based on geometric relations. Fig. shows three different but equivalent possibilities for defining a joint. The element or the group of elements where the joint(s) shall be placed is set by providing a list of element identifiers at the “AtElemsIds” input-plug. Upon assembly, the beam-joint agent tests the model-elements and places hinges when all of the following conditions - in case specified by the user - apply:
The node on the at-element connects to an element whose identifier is listed in the “ToElemIds” input.
The node on the at-element connects to a node which has a number listed in the “ToNodeInd” input.
The node on the at-element lies on one of the geometric items supplied in “ToGeom”. This can be points, curves, planes, breps or meshes. The tolerance for two geometric items touching in space is “LDist” as defined on model assembly (see section 3.1.1).
The meaning of “Ct”, “Cr” and “Dofs” is analogous to that of the Beam-Joints-component featured in section 3.4.1.