2.2.3: Add Supports
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Supports define how a structure connects to the ground. They suppress translations or rotations at nodes. An activated button appears black and means either zero translation (T) in the direction of the global x-, y- or z-axis or zero rotation (R) about the corresponding global axis (or local axis if you input a plane). A node index or position can be used to specify the location of a support. Supply a plane as input for specifying locally oriented support conditions.
Green arrows symbolize translational supports, purple circles stand in for rotational supports (see fig.
For static analysis, a structure needs to be supported in such a way that it can not fly around freely. In three dimensional space, a rigid body has six modes of movement or degrees of freedom (DOFs): three translations and three rotations (see fig. Thus there need to be at least six support conditions in a structural model to fix it. When a model or parts of it are moveable, the “Analyze”-component either refuses to calculate or returns huge displacements. Should you encounter a problem like this plug your model into the “Eigen Modes”-component. It can detect the rigid body movements which cause the problem.