3.7.1: ModelView

The “ModelView”-component of the “Results” subsection controls the general display properties of the structural model (see fig. More specific visual properties that relate to beam and shell elements can be defined with the “BeamView” and “ShellView”-component. The viewing options get stored in the model. Settings of view-components thus stick with the model and remain valid further down the data-stream until changed by another view-component.

When adding a “ModelView” to the definition it is sometimes a good idea to turn off the preview of all other components so that they do not interfere. Clicking on the black menu headings unfolds the “ModelView”-component and unveils widgets for tuning the model display. Each of these will be explained further below. The range and current value of the sliders may be set by double-clicking on their knob.

The “ModelView”-component features six plugs on its left side:

There are five output plugs on the "ModelView"-component:

The “Display Scales”-submenu

The “Display Scales”-submenu contains check boxes and sliders to enable/disable and scale displacements, reaction forces at supports, load-symbols, support-symbols, local coordinate systems and symbols for joints at the endpoints of elements. The displacement scale influences the display and the output at the "defModel"-plug. It has no effect on stresses, strains, etc.. The colors of the local coordinate axes red, green, blue symbolize the local X-, Y-, and Z-axis.

The “Render Settings”-submenu

The slider entitled “Length/Segment[m]” lets one control the distance at which beam results (displacements, forces, moments, etc.) are plotted (see 3.6.7). It also sets the number of control points that are used for the “defAxes”-output and for displaying.

In some cases the color display of results gets distorted by the presence of stress concentrations or utilization peeks. They make much of the structure look unstrained with some small patches of color where the peeks are. The “Upper Result Threshold”- and “Lower Result Threshold”-sliders let you eliminate these extreme values. In case of the “Upper Result Threshold”-slider a value of x% sets the upper boundary value of the color range in such a way that x% of the actual value range is below. For the lower threshold it is vice versa. Values in the model beyond the given thresholds are given special colors to make them easily recognizable.

By default the result threshold values given above refer to the value range in percent. Sometimes it turns out to be practical to prescribe absolute values as thresholds (e.g. the yield stress of a material). The radio button group “Result Threshold as” can be used to switch between relative and absolute thresholds.

Limiting the value range of utilization values can be confusing: If the result thresholds are given in percent, then setting the lower threshold to zero and the upper to 100 displays the full range of utilization values. If the result thresholds are given as absolute values then a lower threshold of −100 and an upper threshold of 100 limit the color range to the areas where the material resistance is sufficient.

The “Colors”-submenu

Here one can enable the display of element-, cross section- and material-colors. See sections 3.1.6, 3.3.1 or 3.4.1 for how to set them. In order to to visualize the colors enable "Cross section" under "Render Settings" of the "BeamView"- or "ShellView"-component.

The “Tags”-submenu

The “Structure Tags” menu contains checkboxes for adding visual information to parts of the model:

The “Result-Case”-submenu

The “Result-Case” menu contains a drop-down list from which one can choose the result-case which should be displayed. When used on a model with loads, the result-cases are equivalent to load-cases. After a buckling-modes, eigenmodes or natural frequency calculation the result-cases contain buckling-, eigen- or natural modes respectively.

By default it is set to “—all—” which means that the results of all result-cases are superimposed. Define displacement-factors by feeding a corresponding list of numbers into the “R-Factor” input-plug. The “Result-Case”-selection sets the result-case to be queried for some shell results-components placed further downstream (e.g. “Force Flow Lines on Shells”, “Principal Stress Lines on Shells”, …).

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