4.1.3: Licensing
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Place the Karamba3D "License"-component on the grasshopper canvas and connect it to a Panel component. The Panel should read out the details of the License.
Upon successful installation of the license you should be able to open example files which have more than 20 beam elements or 50 shell elements. Double check if the license and correct Karamba3D version are installed by opening the below definition:
The license needs to be activated each time you open Rhino and best before opening Grasshopper, this process can be automated.
You can still activate your license even if Grasshopper has been opened.
Simply type "Karamba3DGetLicense" into the Rhino command prompt.
Then place the Karamba3D License Component onto the Grasshopper canvas.
Then right click click on the canvas and "Recompute" the script.
The license will now be activated, and all features will be functional
This error when there is a conflict with an old license on your machine. Simply navigate to the License folder of your Karamba3D installation folder: typically "C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\Plug-ins\Karamba" or "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\7.0".
Find the "license.lic" file and delete it.
Restart Rhino and run "Karamba3DGetLicense" to activate your license.
I try to retrieve my license from the cloud or server using "Karamba3DGetLicense" and the following error message pops up:
There can be two reasons why this might occur:
There are clashes with your Karamba3D installation. Check that you do not have multiple versions of Karamba3D installed.
If you are using the network license, you might be using the wrong licensePRO.lic file. Check that the correct license file has been installed.
If you are using the network license, there might be multiple licenses installed on your server which might be invalid. Go to your Zoo Administrator and make sure that you only have Karamba3D licenses with the same serial key installed. Delete any of those that do not belong
This can be simply done by logging into your Rhino3D Account. Navigate to your installed license (most likely found in "Personal Licenses"). Click on the Karamba3D license. Then you can simply click "Remove from Cloud Zoo"
Now you can add your license to a new Rhino3D account using the same license key your received.
At times when a license is in use, or invalid, then the license cannot be removed from the Zoo Administrator. A pop up appears saying that "The License XXXX could not be deleted because it is in use."
If the license is in use, then select that specific license instance, go to Edit > Recover. The license should be then marked as available and you can hopefully delete it.
If the license still cannot be removed, then you will need to delete it manually in Windows Explorer.
Stop the Zoo Administrator
Go to %allusersprofile%\McNeel\Zoo or C:\ProgramData\McNeel\Zoo and navigate to your subsequent Zoo version.
In the Licenses folder, there are various *.cluster files. These are the licenses in your Zoo Administrator. Unfortunately there is no method to identify which license belongs to which software. Therefore make sure that you have records of all existing license keys in your Zoo Administrator. Delete all *.cluster files and then start the Zoo Administrator. All licenses will be removed and you can now add all your licenses new.
Even if you format your computer or upgrade the operating system the license should remain the same. This also applies for Windows installations using Bootcamp on a Mac. However if you are running Parallels on a Mac you might need to contact us to get your license updated.
If you update your Karamba3D version on your computer, the license is still valid. During the update process, the license file may be overwritten. If your license displays a trial license, you will need to reload the "license.lic"-file once again. See the guide to loading a standalone license.
Karamba3D does not require Rhino to be running with a Zoo License for it to run on the Zoo Server. However if Rhino is running on the Network Server, then Karamba3D needs to run from the same license server.